1. 简介
Humboldt Research Fellowship Programme for Postdoctoral Researchers
Dear Dr. Deng,
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s selection committee has considered your application and we are pleased to inform you that you will be awarded a Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers.
In approximately six weeks, the department “Sponsorship and Network” will send you the award letter with the “Guidelines and Information for Research Fellows” as well as further important documents by e-mail. There will be no additional mailing by regular mail.
Note on the current situation:
Due to the pandemic, many countries, including Germany and the European Union, have imposed travel restrictions and quarantine regulations for arriving travellers. Sources of information in this regard are the German embassies and consulates in your home or residence country.
If pandemic-related travel restrictions for your actual country of residence continue to prevent you from starting your research fellowship in Germany, you can, in agreement with your academic host in Germany, under certain conditions begin your research fellowship or participate in the online intensive language course at home in your country of residence.
For additional information visit our FAQs:
https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/en/explore/newsroom/news/coronavirus-pandemic-faq .
We kindly ask you to refrain from inquiries until you have received the documents.
The staff of the Selection Department would like to take this opportunity to say good bye. Your new contact person in the “Sponsorship and Network” Department is …
We wish you all the very best for a successful research stay.
Yours sincerely,
2. 步骤
- 先把自己的简历CV做好;
- 在洪堡基金官网: https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/en/apply/sponsorship-programmes/humboldt-research-fellowship ,将网站上的最新文件下载并打印,认真详细地阅读一遍,把其中的关键点用笔标注出来。
- 按照最新文件的要求,把一些简单的文件准备好,比如,CV、文章列表、英文博士毕业证和学位证书等;
- 联系德国的host(一般是教授),先用email交流,再约时间线上面谈,最好host是拿过洪堡学者;
- 写好研究计划,并与host一起修改完善,一定是要与host的以往研究有交叉;
- 联系自己的博士导师和另外一个推荐人,最好推荐人是拿过洪堡学者,且是国际学者;
- 在官网上按照列表一项一项地填写资料,注意保存,其中包括博士毕业证和学位证的英文版本;
- 等host、博士导师和推荐人把推荐信上传后,才可以在官网上提交申请;
- 提交后,洪堡那边会有一个专门的联络人。如果在文章列表中,自己的文章接收或online,可以联系联络人进行更新。联络人会邮件通知材料是否齐全,并告知最终结果的月份。
- 到了最终结果的月份,可以主动邮件联系联络人,告知月份的具体哪一周,并等待最终结果。
3. 经验
- 时间:Postdoctoral Researchers是博士毕业4年内;Experienced Researchers是博士毕业12年内;
- 德国host选择:最好是以往做过host,且与自己研究方向契合;
- 研究计划:与host商量好,结合host以往研究进行交叉;
- 推荐人:最好是洪堡学者;
- 学科代码:需要跟host商量好填哪个学科。我填的是Geodesy,参考资料为 Humboldt Foundation’s research area index;